
Do you talk to your kids?

Do you really talk to your kids about everything, especially those subjects that make you uncomfortable?

If you are giving your kids access to the internet via a computer, a phone, or video game players, then you are giving them access to content that may be inappropriate for them to see or hear. They may be viewing things you need to talk to them about in great lengths, things they may not understand or things they may need to know.  If they feel they can’t come to you because you may not have opened that door, then open that door now.

Talk to your kids about everything, especially about the topics that make you or them feel uncomfortable. Pay attention and really look at what they are looking at on the internet, on their phones and computers. You need to check up on them as their parent.

If you don’t talk to them about certain topics, they will find someone else who will and most of the time those are the kids around them or others on social media; the people you may not necessarily think they should be talking to or the people that may steer them in the wrong direction and/or away from your values.

PLEASE COMMUNICATE! It means all the difference in the life of each child.



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